Biographical and Contact Information

Name: Eric Cooper

Party: Libertarian

Age: 42

Family: None

Birthplace: Iowa City, Iowa

Moved to District 46: January 3, 1994



B.S. in Cognitive Psychology, University of Kansas (1988)

Ph.D. in Psychology, University of Minnesota (1993)



Associate Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at Iowa State University

Research area:

Visual perception, Neurophysiology of the visual system


Previous political experience:

Run four times previously for the Iowa Legislature from Ames

Iowa College Coordinator for the Ron Paul Presidential Campaign (2007-2008)

Member of the Executive Committee of the Libertarian Party of Iowa (2006 - present)



Telephone: 515-232-2896

Address: 902 Burnett Avenue, Ames, IA 50010

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